Forbes post, “Would Baby Bonds Save Retirement? Be Careful Of Quick Fixes And No-Cost Solutions”

Originally published at on February 24, 2021.


What’s a Baby Bond?

The name implies borrowing of some sort or another, as if a parent might borrow money and pay it back later. But the concept is really quite different, a sort of “universal personal account.” There are two different proposals circulating at the moment: one is meant to provide a sort of start-up fund for adult life, and the other, a retirement benefit. But they both are based on the idea of building up an account balance from government contributions while children are young.

The Booker Baby Bonds

Sen. Cory Booker of New Jersey introduced legislation earlier this month to establish what he calls “opportunity accounts.” The bill involves an initial “contribution” of $1,000 for each child at birth, and as much as $2,000 per year afterwards based on household income, with the full amount for families with income of less than 100% of the poverty line, phasing out to $0 at 500% of poverty rate; each of these dollar amounts would increase with the rate of inflation from year to year. These are described as “savings accounts” but there is one large fund, funded by the federal government, with individual account balances tracked nominally within that fund.

And — this makes my head hurt a bit — even though the money for the fund comes from the federal government, and even though, in the year 2021, like pretty much every other bit of government spending, the government would borrow the money to put in this fund (or money-print the money), the money is then “lent” back to the government, in the form of “special interest-bearing obligations of the United States,” with an interest rate equal to the average market yield of all US public debt with a maturity of greater than 10 years. According to Politico, this would be a 3% interest rate, but it’s not clear to me how Politico came up with that rate when a 20 year Treasury is currently 1.63% and even a 30 year Treasury is only 2.19% at the moment. At the same time, the bill implies that there are possibilities of investment losses, but perhaps there were drafting inconsistencies and versions of the proposal that involved equity investments?

So is it “real” money, or is it all a bit of a fiction? Like the Social Security Trust Fund, it’s both, or neither.

And this money could be spent in a limited number of ways: on higher education expenses (including trade school), on the purchase of a home, “any other investment in financial assets or personal capital that provides long-term gains to wages and wealth” (presumably this is meant to allow for investments in starting a small business), or any spending after age 59 1/2. In any case, this is all money that would be available on top of any financial aid rather than taken into account in calculating eligibility for financial aid.

Would this work?

Various proponents have claimed that this would have all manner of beneficial effects, and in particular would “narrow the racial wealth gap,” as the Urban Institute says, because black and Hispanic families are more likely to be poor, and white families are more likely to have inheritances from earlier generations. The cost would work out to $60 billion annually, according to Booker, or $650 billion over a decade according to the Committee for a Responsible Federal Budget, which reports on a prior iteration in which the plan would have been paid for by increasing capital gains taxes and estate taxes. At the time of their analysis, in 2019, 30 year Treasury rates had been level at 3% for two years, so they used this as their assumption to calculate that a child whose family had been in poverty for his/her entire lifetime would have an account of $46,215 at age 18; for a more middle-class family, with income of $56,000 for a family of four, the account balance would be $12,815. (My own math is somewhat different and arrives at an account balance of $38,000 adjusted to strip out the effect of inflation over time, but, eh, you get the picture.)

Would this achieve the goal of the program, helping young adults who had grown up poor get a good start in life? It seems obvious that having this money, over and above what financial aid programs would provide, would increase their financial well-being. But what is the purpose of building up an “account,” especially a notional account, over time? Why create a program which won’t provide any benefits for the next 18 years, when there is no particular rationale except to implement the spending gradually, so that only 18 years from now will the program be operating at full cost? Since all the money is borrowed anyway, what meaningful significance is there to the interest accrual and the lending-back of borrowed money for the purpose of “earning interest”?

And once a recipient leaves young adulthood, the notion of using these accounts as retirement income becomes shaky, because it makes so little sense to require that they continue accruing interest at the very low level of a government bond.

So what is the point of a “Baby Bond” rather than simply beefing up financial aid for education and grants for would-be entrepreneurs? One presumes that there’s a strategy in allocating the funds $2,000 at a time, and with $1,000 for all children regardless of income, to give it the “feel” of a broad-based program and a “savings account” just like the savings accounts we might encourage our children to start for themselves.

The RISE account – a Baby Bond for retirement

There is a second “Baby Bond” proposal which aims much more directly at retirement, because, in this version, the money isn’t accessible at all until retirement age. This proposal comes from financial advisor Ric Edelman, with a description at, among others, the Washington Post.

Here’s how his proposal would work:

The government would issue bonds and use the proceeds to fund accounts for children born in the US, just as with the Booker proposal. However, the bonds would be issued and the funds credited upon a child’s birth, be invested in diversified funds similar to a pension fund. Then, after 20 years, the bonds would be redeemed, but the investment earnings would be greater than the initial bond and interest, so this net earnings would remain in the fund and continue to grow for the next 50 years, at which point the individual would begin to receive retirement benefits in a spend-down using financial planners’ rules of thumb, and any funds remaining upon their death would be used to supplement funds for those who outlive their assets by living past 100.

Edelman does not provide the full details of his plan, and the biggest missing piece is his math around which children would get how much money. Similar to Booker’s plan, babies would be credited with different amounts based on parents’ income, with an average funding of $5,884, which he projects would create an annual payment stream of $26,810, in today’s dollars.

But his two key assumptions are these:

First, he assumes that the government would be able to issue bonds at the low interest rates earned by traditional “savings bonds” (EE bonds), which stands at 0.1%. (It is not clear if he builds into his calculation the one-time adjustment at 20 years which means that savings bonds double the saver’s money, for an annualized rate of 3.5%.) But the program would need to issue bonds of over $23 billion per year, by his own numbers ($5,884 per child and 4 million children born per year); however, the total series EE bond outstanding as of November 19 was $125.8 billion. He assumes that enough investors will choose these savings bonds for the “feel-good” element of the program, but that seems a bit of a stretch over the long term, especially when you’re no longer speaking of helping poor children but funding retirements 70 years in the future for people who may or may not be poor as adults.

Second, he assumes that the program will reliably earn the projected 7.27% in investment earnings. It’s important to note that this is the average assumed rate of return reported by public pension plans in the United States, which is, let’s face it, just about the most aggressive such assumption available — and this isn’t just a matter of the usual accusations of public pensions being to aggressive in order to report lower liabilities and make lower contributions. In the same manner as interest on government bonds is a fraction of what it had been a generation ago, so, too, are expectations for stock market returns declining as the population ages; even before the pandemic or the Trump administration, McKinsey was forecasting long-term declines in U.S. and European equity growth (see this December article on another similar proposal); more recently, Morningstar summarized long-term expectations coming in at anywhere between flat/negative to 5.7%, for U.S. equities, at best. Considering that it would be necessary to beat a 3.5% annualized return, on average, for 20 years, this is not actually a sure thing.

And Edelman acknowledges that the proposal is not truly risk-free, and suggests that “Congress could choose to give the Commission authority to use a surplus from one year’s program to compensate for a deficit incurred by another. Alternatively, Congress could choose to provide funding to eliminate a shortfall experienced by any birth year. Absent these actions, babies from each birth year will simply be limited to receiving only as much income as the program can provide.”

Finally, would it be fair to provide this retirement income only to those children who had been born into poor families? Edelman himself had made an earlier proposal with a flat benefit for all.

Would this proposal work?

My first reaction is that there’s simply no way to implement a plan which would first start to pay out benefits in 70 years, and that Americans further wouldn’t stand for there being differences in payouts by year of birth from what’s nominally a government program for all.

But looking at the core idea, rather than the specifics: this is a proposal for a sovereign wealth fund. Sure, it has a specific objective — providing retirement savings — and yes, unlike the sovereign wealth funds of nations with oil wealth, it would be funded by issuing debt, and its meant to be managed by private-sector investment managers, but in its core concept, functionally, the government would be acting as private-sector investor and earning money with the expectation that it investment revenue would exceed the interest on bonds.

And, in fact, there have been multiple proposals circulating recently. Most recently, in January, in “It’s Past Time for a U.S. Federal Sovereign Wealth Fund” at The National InterestRichard Caroll proposed that the royalties the U.S. government receives from wealth-extraction on federal lands (with those royalties to be hiked substantially as well), as well as revenues from the Federal Reserve Open Market Operations’ bond purchasing program, should be directed into at U.S. Sovereign Wealth Fund rather than merely the U.S. Treasury, for the purpose of creating investment income as a future income stream given the growing indebtedness of the country. Back in May, Nir Kaissar at Bloomberg argued that instead of bailing out companies, the U.S. should have bought their equity or bonds:

“Like any private investor, the fund would buy the equity or debt of struggling companies at deeply discounted prices, handing the losses to owners or creditors of those companies and imposing the same onerous terms one would encounter in private-sector deals. That would remove questions about whether and which companies deserve to be bailed out because investment would be motivated by profit rather than charity. It would also allow the government, and all Americans by extension, to fully participate in the gains when companies turn around.”

The question of issuing debt to make investments would not be relevant, in this case, because the government would be borrowing to fund the bailouts, in any case, though Kaissar also suggests borrowing additional money to build up the fund even further.

As it happens, we have an example of a retirement-oriented Sovereign Wealth Fund just to the north of us: the Canada Pension Plan has a trust fund which invests in a wide variety of assets. As of 2018, they fully or partially owned Petco, Univision, and Neiman Marcus, for example. But they did not borrow money in order to make these investments; they used the surplus income coming into their Social Security system and are now using the funds generated by a tax hike to build up funds to fully pay for new benefits which will accrue over time. In other words, they are not promising that a plan will “pay for itself” but simply using tax revenues to build up a pension fund.

The long and short of it is this: people want a solution to retirement shortfalls (may I remind you of my Social Security reform proposal?) and to persistent demographic disparities, and this offers the promise of being something new and innovative. But just because something is “innovative” doesn’t necessarily guarantee it’s the right path forward.

December 2024 Author’s note: the terms of my affiliation with Forbes enable me to republish materials on other sites, so I am updating my personal website by duplicating a selected portion of my Forbes writing here.

Forbes post, “Pay Off Debt Or Save For Retirement? It’s Time For An Actuary-Splainer”

Originally published at on March 25, 2019.


Turns out, this is really a two-part question.

First, if you’re an individual trying to decide how to manage your finances, what’s the best approach?

And, second, if you fancy yourself a policy expert, should you promote a mandatory-savings program like Australia’s, give people options, or step back entirely?

The very short answer to the first question is this:  pay off high-interest-rate debt first.

Which begs the question:  when does the interest rate count as “high”?  Most of the time, that’s when the rate is higher than the investment return you can reasonably expect from your IRA or 401(k).  If you’re paying 15% interest on a credit card (at the low end according to the website ValuePenguin), and you expect to earn 6% in your IRA, this is obvious:  pay off the credit card debt first.  If you have a home mortgage with an interest rate of 5%, don’t be in a rush to pay it off early at the expense of retirement savings.  There is a grey area, though:  if you have an employer match on your contributions, don’t think of that as “free money.”  Think of it as boosting the interest rate that you earn over time — for example, a pure dollar-for-dollar match might be similar to the effect of doubling the investment return* — so that retirement savings can come out as the “winner” in your comparison.  At the same time, if you expect to gain from the tax advantages of an IRA or 401(k), that’s worth some extra interest in the comparison calculation.

(*This isn’t literally true, and the math is a lot more complicated but the point is that it might not always be a sure thing to go for the match at a cost to continued interest-rate compounding on your debt.)

This seems obvious, no?  But here’s a claim from the National Employment Law Project that caught my attention over the weekend:  in light of a paper voicing skepticism of state-run auto-IRA plans because they “could hurt low-income participants because they will be investing in lower-return retirement plans instead of paying off high-interest shorter-term revolving debt, such as credit card debt,” the author, Michele Evermore, responded,

these findings do not make a persuasive case for limiting access to savings vehicles for low-income workers. That’s because the multiplier effects of starting to save for retirement while young are hugely beneficial for the majority of workers.

The error Evermore makes, of course, is that of thinking of retirement savings and debt as two entirely separate buckets, and promoting the beneficial effect of compound interest in the former while ignoring its pernicious effect in the latter case.

Here’s an example:

Imagine you find yourself at age 25 with a desire to save for retirement but also with $10,000 in credit card debt.  You’ve done your budgeting and have $3,000 per year that you can apply to paying off that debt or saving.  If you apply all of that to savings and earn 6% in investment earnings over time, then you can end up with $17,000 five years later, and that will continue to increase over time.  But if you never make payments on your debt, and have a 15% interest rate, you will owe $20,000, and have a -$3,000 net worth.  If you pay off your debt instead, you will have a $0 net worth, which isn’t great but is in fact more than -$3,000.

What if you have an employer match which doubles your contribution, so that a $3,000 contribution to savings is worth $6,000?  In the short-term, that boost gives you a positive net worth very quickly, but the debt’s interest rate will compound enough to outpace the investment returns, particularly if that savings rate doesn’t grow over time.  So, yes, contribute at least enough to receive the full match, but not at the expense of paying down your debt at least to the degree to keep the interest rate compounding at bay.

The bottom line:  compounding investment returns are great.  Compounding debt interest can be ruinous.

So what does this have to do with auto-IRAs or mandatory savings?  Experts worry that forcing people to save, like Australia does, or creating strong nudges that have a similar effect, will just send more low-income workers into debt, and economics researchers have been trying to find out what happens in the real world.

There does appear to be some good news, in the form of a study, “Borrowing to Save? The Impact of Automatic Enrollment on Debt,” by a team of Harvard researchers (thanks to Scott Graves for the link via twitter @SHGraves29), which examines the outcomes of a “natural experiment” when the U.S. Army began auto-enrolling its civilian new hires into the Thrift Savings Program with a rate of 3%, and found that among those enrollees, “bad debt” did not increase but car loan and home mortgage balances did.  Is this good news, because car and home loans have low interest rates in any case?  Or, to the contrary, does this indicate that new enrollees previously had been able to fund car purchases, and make greater down payments, out of nonretirement savings which no longer exists? — But, on the other hand, if the autoenrollment program had been harming people by taking away money that was otherwise going to emergency funds, then presumably researchers would have found higher levels of credit card debt as participants resorted to paying repair bills with credit card debt.

It’s all a muddle, and relies heavily on Americans being able to navigate through combining retirement savings with their other financial needs.  That’s one of the reasons that in at least some countries with mandatory or auto-savings, the lowest tranche of income is excluded entirely (see “Should Poor People Save For Retirement?“) with their income needs in retirement taken care of with a flat anti-poverty-focused Social Security benefit.  In the United States, on the other hand, we’ve got a Social Security formula that is weighted towards low income but leaves people likely to struggle with determining how it fits in with their actual circumstances and savings needs.  In a perfect world, auto-IRA programs such as OregonSaves and equivalent programs coming online in Illinois and California would provide meaningful counsel to participants to help them identify whether and how much they should save, given their income level and other circumstances, but they fall short, and, realistically, given the Social Security formula, it’s difficult to prescribe a simple rule of thumb.

And here’s one final wrinkle to consider:  in an extreme case of a person with high levels of personal, unsecured debt, and a high IRA account balance, that balances is protected against creditors in the case of a bankruptcy.  Had that individual chosen, over the course of a lifetime, to pay off debt but never been able to save, she would have no recourse to go back to creditors and say, “please give me my money back so I can afford to retire.”


December 2024 Author’s note: the terms of my affiliation with Forbes enable me to republish materials on other sites, so I am updating my personal website by duplicating a selected portion of my Forbes writing here.

Forbes post, “How Will Alienated America Save For Retirement?”

Originally published at on March 4, 2019.


Alienated America is the title of a new book out by Tim Carney, commentary editor at the Washington Examiner and American Enterprise Institute visiting fellow.  Its core observation is this:  while in the 2016 general election, Trump had the support of evangelicals and other pro-life Christians, because of the binary choice between Trump and Clinton (where the single issue of abortion was key for many reluctant Trump votes), quite the opposite was true for the primaries.  Then, as now, Trump’s core support came elsewhere, from those disconnected from religious communities.  What’s more, it was localities in which community institutions were strong that Trump did poorly in the primaries, and in areas where they were weak and where residents were disconnected from each other, that Trump did well.  For wealthy communities like the D.C. suburb of Chevy Chase which Carney uses as one reference point, a swim club or a book discussion group or garden club might do a great job of connecting up residents, but for most Americans, it has historically been their church/house of worship which has been their primary “community institution” and, despite stereotypes otherwise, it is among the white working class that the trend of religious disaffiliation has been most dramatic — and its impact is much more far-reaching that the results in an election, as the loss of those institutions impact the well-being of the alienated.

So what does this have to do with retirement?

In early February, the Aspen Institute published a new report, “Portable Non-Employer Retirement Benefits: An Approach to Expanding Coverage for a 21st Century Workforce,” which sought to address the 55 million Americans who, according to survey data, lack access to a workplace retirement plan, by describing/proposing six alternate ways of providing access to retirement plans which might be scaled up or, in some cases, brought into existence.

Some of these mechanisms are still very much workplace-centered.  The report proposes that employers and workers in a specific industry sector might band together to provide retirement plans in which all employees could maintain participation even as they move from one employer to another.  These sector-based plans are common in the Netherlands — for example, the Dutch multiemployer plan which I contrasted with the US equivalent back in November was a plan for the metal industry.  In Massachusetts, nonprofit organizations are partnering to provide a multiple employer 401(k) plan, as is a similar coalition in Canada for its nonprofit workers.  The report also profiles “new worker organizations” — union-like groups formed to advance the interests of workers, such as domestic workers, freelancers, app-platform drivers, and so on — and suggests that they might offer workers the ability to enroll in a retirement plan, and considers professional associations and trade associations as further sources of retirement plan access — ideas which have been proposed elsewhere.

But there are two suggestions which are new.

The report suggests that labor unions might be a source of retirement benefits — not in the form of Taft-Hartley multi-employer plans which are already so troubled in their defined benefit form, but as a sponsor of retirement savings that reaches beyond mandatory contributions as a part of collective bargaining (though it does suggest this) to acting as a plan sponsor for spouses of union members, “non-unionized workers who might join a union under an ‘associate member’ category” and workers at employers who choose to participate in the union-sponsored plan.

The report also proposes that faith communities be a source of retirement plan participation.  They observe that the United Methodist Church provides retirement benefits for all its clergy and lay employees via its Wespath entity, the “largest publicly reported denominational plan in the US.”  (Side note: you’d think the Catholics would be larger, but they manage everything at the level of the diocese rather than country-wide.)  But the Aspen report suggests taking this a step further:

A potentially more far-reaching approach would be for faith groups to sponsor portable non-employer retirement benefits for the members of their community. The addressable uncovered group here is, in theory, very large. If we assume 55 million Americans lack access to a workplace retirement plan, and 36 percent of those attend religious services once a week or more (assuming the same proportion as the population as a whole), then there is a pool of nearly 20 million regular participants in faith communities who could be served by a faith group-sponsored portable non-employer retirement benefit. Where the faith community already sponsors a retirement arrangement for its employees — especially where that arrangement has scale, as in the Wespath example — there could be opportunities to extend access to that arrangement to the broader faith community.

To be sure, for an entity such as Wespath to reach beyond the employees of the church it serves, to those parishioners, it would become more like a “retail retirement account.”  Would this, then, be no different than a church partnering with a Vanguard or Fidelity, or allowing that member whose day job is financial planner to set up a table during after-church social hour or sponsoring the after-mass donuts?  The report’s suggestion might sound trivial to educated Americans who already have done their due diligence on how to save for retirement, but the kernel of this proposal could make a big difference for those who haven’t.

Carney emphasizes that churches in America have a key role as community institutions, and, at least among churches with greater resources, they offer groups that reach beyond Bible studies to provide support for the bereaved, young mothers, the unemployed, those in recovery, and so on.  In many parishes a “parish nurse” provides further resources and referrals, visits the sick, and provides other aid.  Whether through a formal organization or simply through an informal process that materializes as needed, they deliver casseroles to families struck by illness.  And many evangelical/mega-churches offer Dave Ramsey’s “Financial Peace University” money-management classes.

In this context, it’s not so crazy to imagine that churches, community groups, and unions acting as a community group could and should have an important role to play in financial wellness and retirement savings — both as organizations which might provide education and support on the path, and because they provide the sort of informal social networks that nudge people forward towards, for example, saving for retirement.  Yet these are exactly the organizations which Carney (and others) reports are disappearing in the regions of America that turned to Trump in 2016.

How to get from here to there?  That’s another question.


December 2024 Author’s note: the terms of my affiliation with Forbes enable me to republish materials on other sites, so I am updating my personal website by duplicating a selected portion of my Forbes writing here.