Originally published at Forbes.com on December 20, 2020.


First Scandinavia. Then the UK. Now New York’s public pension funds will be divesting from fossil fuel companies. Whether you cheer or groan at the decision, there’s a wrinkle to it that’s important to discuss.

The fiduciary duty

Yesterday, I looked back 30 years ago to better understand New York’s well-funded pensions, and, in particular, McDermott v. Regan, the 1993 court case in which the legal principle was established that the provision in the New York state constitution prohibiting reductions in past or future accruals, also prohibits actions that would cause those pensions to be inadequately funded — forcing the state to keep the plans funded.

As it happened, there were two key elements to that ruling; in addition to the question of preserving plan benefits and plan finances, there was a further question of the role of the state Comptroller, who was and is, in the state of New York, the sole trustee of the state’s pension plans.

A key part of the court’s evaluation of the situation was that the Comptroller and the State (the Legislature) had a fiduciary duty to the participants in the retirement funds, acting exclusively in their best interests. In the court case in question, the Legislature was attempting to make a change to the pension funding method with the explicit intention of saving money — an action unquestionably not in the best interests of participants.

What’s more, the Court’s opinion references an older opinion, Sgaglione v. Levitt, from 1976. Here the Court determined to be unconstitutional a law that would have mandated that the New York state public pensions purchase bonds issued by the city of New York as a part of a rescue package to stave off default in that city’s financial crisis. The reason for this is, as with the 1993 decision, that the constitutional requirement for unimpaired pensions necessarily implies that the funds paying for those benefits must also be protected.

But in addition, this ruling found that the Comptroller had a particular duty as a trustee to make investment decisions, and to make them with the benefit of the fund in mind and no other purpose. In fact, the opinion says,

‘[It doesn’t matter] whether the purpose of the fund was to benefit not the members or retired members of the retirement systems, but to protect future taxpayers against burdens engendered by past generations of taxpayers in providing for retirement benefits of former public employees. . . . The purpose was twofold: to protect the receivers of benefits and to protect future taxpayers by use of actuarially sound retirement fund.”

The divestment motive

Which brings me to the announcement last week that New York’s state pension funds would be divesting from fossil fuels. As reported at the New York Times on Dec. 9,

“New York State’s pension fund, one of the world’s largest and most influential investors, will drop many of its fossil fuel stocks in the next five years and sell its shares in other companies that contribute to global warming by 2040, the state comptroller said on Wednesday. . . .

“The state comptroller, Thomas P. DiNapoli, had long resisted a sell-off, saying that his primary concern was safeguarding the taxpayer-guaranteed retirement savings of 1.1 million state and municipal workers who rely on the pension fund.

“But on Wednesday, Mr. DiNapoli signaled that his main reason for adopting the new plan now was his duty to protect the fund and to set it up for long-term economic success in a world that is moving away from fossil fuels.

‘New York State’s pension fund is at the leading edge of investors addressing climate risk, because investing for the low-carbon future is essential to protect the fund’s long-term value,’ he said in a statement.”

Is this credible? Is DiNapoli acting in line with his obligation as a fiduciary, out of a belief that companies in the fossil fuel business are bad long-term bets? This would, it turns out, be fully within the parameters of the Department of Labor ruling on the topic, which allowed for exactly this action as a means of complying with fiduciary duty requirements.

But the Times further reports that DiNapoli’s plan was not his own initiative but “the result of an agreement among Mr. DiNapoli and state lawmakers who, spurred by an eight-year campaign by climate activists, had been poised to pass legislation requiring him to sell fossil-fuel stocks.” And indeed, activist groups such as 350.org and DivestNY see this announcement as a hard-won victory and are lauding DiNaopoli as a “true climate hero.”

In fact, in a press release by New York State Senator Liz Krueger, the sponsors of the legislation in question, the Fossil Fuel Divestment Act, acknowledged that mandating divestment posed constitutional questions for this very reason. Their solution was to require a “Determination of Prudence issued by the Comptroller, certifying that divestment complies with his fiduciary obligations and the ‘prudent investor rule’ as defined in state law.” But the very text of this release makes it clear that their prime motivation was not to safeguard pensioners from future market crashes in the fossil fuel business, but divestment for its own sake, and that the text in the law which on the face of it maintains the Comptroller’s obligation to be a fiduciary, is really intended solely to maintain the appearance of such. “Fiduciary duty” is not a magic word that can be uttered to transform a particular investment policy from questionable to acceptable.

Would a court which has ruled that a change in funding rules (for the sake of saving money) and a mandate to invest in New York City bonds (to rescue the city from default) were both unconstitutional because they abandoned the fiduciary duty to plan participants and taxpayers, find this new change acceptable?

As it happens, there are already certain limits on New York’s pension fund investing. As of 2018 reporting, the fund had “restricted lists” with respect to tobacco companies, private prisons, and gun manufacturers. In addition, Gov. Andrew Cuomo signed an executive order in 2016 requiring divestment of public funds with respect to any companies supporting the Boycott-Divest-Sanctions campaign against Israel — though as it happens, this is a fairly short list and largely consists of companies that the state would be unlikely to investing in in any event. (Updated lists are available at the New York state website.) But these lists are much more limited in scope than the new fossil fuel divestment plan, and respond to much more narrowly-circumscribed questions of ethics.

Now, whether any particular individual or group will actually file suit remains to be seen. But if they do, a court deciding against them would have to reject these precedents.


December 2024 Author’s note: the terms of my affiliation with Forbes enable me to republish materials on other sites, so I am updating my personal website by duplicating a selected portion of my Forbes writing here.

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