Originally published at Forbes.com on February 21, 2020.


On Wednesday, Illinois Gov. JB Pritzker gave his budget address, an address in which he promises wide-ranging spending boosts paid for by — yes, you guessed it — the same three sources of newfound state wealth of pot legalization, gambling expansion, and a tax hike on the rich subsequent to voters approving a constitutional amendment to permit graduated taxation rates.

And once again, he addressed pensions in a wholly unsatisfactory way. Here’s the full text of this part of his speech:

“One of Illinois’ most intractable problems is the underfunding of our pension systems.

“We must keep our promises to the retirees who earned their pension benefits and forge a realistic path forward to meet those obligations.

“The fantasy of a constitutional amendment to cut retirees’ benefits is just that – a fantasy. The idea that all of this can be fixed with a single silver bullet ignores the protracted legal battle that will ultimately run headlong into the Contracts Clause of the U.S. Constitution. You will spend years in that protracted legal battle, and when you’re done, you will have simply kicked the can down the road, made another broken promise to taxpayers, and left them with higher tax bills.

“This is not a political football. This is a financial issue that is complex and requires consistency and persistence to manage, with the goal of paying the pensions that are owed.

“That’s why my budget delivers on our full pension payment and then some, with $100 million from the proceeds of the graduated income tax dedicated directly to paying down our pension debt more quickly. We should double that number in subsequent years. Next year would be the first year in state history that we will make a pension payment over and above what is required in statute. It begins to allow us to bend the cost curve and reduce our net pension liability faster.

“At the same time, without breaking our promises, we must relentlessly pursue pension initiatives that reduce the burden on taxpayers. This year, the State’s required payment to the State Employees Retirement System alone will be $32 million less than it would’ve been without the optional pension buyout program. We extended that program last year – because it’s good for taxpayers. That’s why I’ve asked all of the state’s retirement systems to fully implement buyout programs across all our systems.

“What we do to reduce future net pension liabilities for our state and local pension plans has enormously positive benefits for taxpayers. Last year, working with members of this General Assembly, we did what no one had been able to do after more than 70 years of trying: consolidate the investments of the 650 local police and firefighters funds into two statewide systems. Because of their collective size, these funds are projected to see billions of dollars of improved returns over the next 20 years. That means lower property tax pressure on families and businesses across the state.

“This is a great example of how both sides of the aisle can come together with reasonable solutions to address intractable problems. Let’s continue on that path.”

And I will repeat what I have said over and over again (to link merely to the two most recent instances):

Pritzker is deluding himself and misleading Illinoisans when he provides his now-standard set of responses.

The most recent calculation of Illinois’ pensions liabilities stands at a debt of $137.3 billion, as of fiscal 2019 year-end. In 2021, contributions are expected to reach $11 billion, or 27% of the total state spending.

Pritzker’s promise to boost contributions by $100 million in 2021 and $200 million thereafter, if the graduated income tax amendment passes, is a drop in the bucket.

The reduction in liabilities due to the buyout programs are likewise a trivial portion of the total. What’s more, the reform-promoting group Wirepoints has been seeking evidence of the numbers Pritzker has been touting for the programs’ savings, and is being stonewalled.

The consolidation of local police and fire pensions’ asset management that Pritzker boasts of came about not because of his superior leadership skills but because these communities were up against a wall in a way that they hadn’t been in the past due to the 2011 “pension intercept” law and funding ramp causing serious pain in a way that hadn’t been the case before. And, what’s more, even this baby step was only for local pensions, so it makes no dent in the $137 billion, and this was botched even so, with a boost in Tier 2 pensions included with no analysis of the cost.

With respect to a constitutional amendment, he creates a straw man by claiming that reformers’ objective is to “cut retirees’ benefits” when the objective of such an amendment is not to cut benefits at all, but to provide the state with the flexibility to reduce future benefit accruals or increases.

And as to the claim that this will result in a “protracted legal battle that will ultimately run headlong into the Contracts Clause of the U.S. Constitution”? This is repeated over and over again by opponents of reform, and has become the new talking point after Pritzker seems to have abandoned his prior claim that it’s simply impossible to amend the state constitution. And here Mark Glennon at Wirepoints provides a clear explanation of why this claim is not credible, worth quoting in full:

“Pritzker is either dishonest or horribly misinformed. Court rulings and actual experience in other states make it clear that Pritzker is wrong. A pension amendment would almost certainly work to allow for needed reforms to most of our 667 public pensions in Illinois.

“Why? Let’s put this in plain English, without legalese:

“The most recent lesson from the courts came last year in Rhode Island after the City of Cranston lowered certain pension benefits. Some pensioners went to court trying to invalidate the cuts. There was no state constitutional issue there, making the case just like we’d have here after a proper constitutional amendment.

“So, the only thing pensioners could base their case on was the U.S Constitution, including the Contract Clause Pritzker referred to. That clause prohibits states from breaking contracts, and pensions are contracts.

“But the Rhode Island Supreme Court ruled against the pensioners. The Contract Clause and other U.S. constitutional matters are not blanket rules against breaking contracts, the court reminded us. The United States Supreme Court has long said that.

“The Rhode Island court weighed all the circumstances in making its decision – how hard off Cranston, RI was, the reasonableness of the reforms and similar matters. Protecting contract rights gives way when there’s a ‘higher public purpose,’ as one nationally recognized legal expert put it.

“That is, government has to be able to provide proper services. Pension costs were squeezing out money for proper services in Cranston, just as in Illinois.

“’We the People,’ in other words, are not bound by a suicide pact because of the Contract Clause or anything else in the U.S. Constitution. Pensioners tried to appeal their loss to the United States Supreme Court but the high court let the Rhode Island decision stand [emphasis mine].

“Then there’s Arizona’s experience. It had a state constitutional pension protection clause just like in Illinois. They’ve amended it twice to cut benefits, mostly with the approval of union pensioners. Unlike Illinois, most of them saw the long-term benefit of reform even for pensioners.

“However, not all pensioners agreed with the cuts. Yet none has sued under the Contract Clause or anything else. Still to this day any one of them could sue if they thought they could win, individually or as a group. They would sue if Pritzker were right about pension amendments being ‘fantasy.’ They haven’t. They know they’d lose.”

So, yes, if the state reduced future accruals or pension increases for arbitrary or capricious reasons, the Contracts Clause would prohibit it. But that’s not what’s under discussion here.

And it’s likewise not acceptable to defer the debt burden to the next generation.

As it happens, separately, I was asked by a reader the other day to explain a statement on the Teachers’ Retirement System website which appeared to say that there was no serious cause for concern and that “current obligations are well met”:

“If all TRS obligations for current retirees and active teachers were called due today, the System could not meet 60 percent of those outstanding pensions and benefits. But that can never happen because not all teachers will retire at the same time. By law, active teachers cannot collect retirement benefits, so TRS must pay out only what is owed to benefit recipients in that year. In fiscal year 2019, TRS paid out $6.7 billion in benefits and collected $8.1 billion in total revenue.”

(To be clear, the reader didn’t believe that to be true but was unsure how to understand this statement.)

This statement points out the very true fact that the system is not insolvent; the system is at no real risk of insolvency unless the state cuts down or abandons its statutory funding requirements, and even then, the plan can pay benefits from its existing assets for quite some time. (See the table at the bottom of my article from January, “Six Key Charts That Prove Why There Is No Alternative To Pension Reform In Illinois.”)

But “not insolvent” is an unacceptably low bar.

It’s not OK for the state’s pension plans to be merely “not insolvent.” It’s not OK to pass the debt on from one generation to the next, and the injustice done to the next generation by saddling them with this debt isn’t justified by the fact that they might, in turn, choose to saddle yet another generation with debt, if they can get away with it. And, again, the existing funding target of 90% in 2045 relies so heavily on a 7% asset return and on the unsustainably-low Tier 2 benefits that, should that rate be cut or the Tier 2 benefits cuts be undone, that 90% will be far more costly to reach than is even the case at present.

All of which comes down to this: it’s not pension reformists who are constructing a fantasy. It’s Pritzker himself.


December 2024 Author’s note: the terms of my affiliation with Forbes enable me to republish materials on other sites, so I am updating my personal website by duplicating a selected portion of my Forbes writing here.

One thought on “Forbes post, “No, Gov. Pritzker, Illinois Pension Reform Isn’t A Fantasy”

  1. What do you propose as a solution to protect the teachers who pay into TRS? It seems like you’re willing to do anything to “fix” the system and disregard what teachers have paid into the system over the lifespan of their career. Teachers are planning their retirements based on what they’ve been promised. I am a teacher. I am retiring in four years. I’ve worked for 32 years and I find it unbelievable and insulting that you only see the financial side and not the human side. I’m not picking a fight. I truly want to know- Would you cut my retirement? How much ($) would it be impacted? Also, do you live in Illinois? Who did you vote for in the last election?

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