Originally published at Forbes.com on October 22, 2019.
The Melbourne Mercer Global Pension Index 2019 edition has been published (full report here), and the United States has been given a rank of C+ in this comparison of pension systems of 37 rich and middle-income countries, with a score of 60.6, slightly above the average of 59.3. Also in the C+ category were the UK and France; among the C countries were Spain, Austria and Italy; B countires included Canada, Ireland, and Germany.
Which countries were at the top of the rankings?
Why the Netherlands and Denmark, of course.
Regular readers will recall that I profiled Denmark’s retirement system back in September, in “Bernie Sanders Wants A Scandinavian-Model Social Insurance System. Sure, Why Not? (For Retirement Anyway).” It’s a three-part system, with a flat “basic retirement income” benefit for all residents and prorated for short residency in the country, a modest statutory flat-contribution benefit (literally flat contributions – everyone pays the same amount – not merely a level percentage of income), and high prevalence (90%) of employer provision of Defined Contribution retirement savings accounts, which protect plan participants from investment risk not by means of employers providing guarantees but through conservative investments.
The system is much the same in the Netherlands: a basic retirement benefit prorated for residency (see “Let’s Talk ‘Basic Retirement Income’ Social Security Reform: What Would It Look Like?”) combined with widespread prevalence of employer retirement benefit provision, traditionally in the form of traditional defined benefit plans sponsored by individual employers or industry-wide but now more commonly through defined contribution or “collective defined contribution,” which are characterized by risk-sharing among participants and potential benefit cuts if fund assets don’t meet investment return targets. Again, these plans are commonly invested in low-risk products such as deferred annuities.
So how is it that this type of system – a flat state-provided benefit paired with near-universal DC (or at any rate, employer-guarantee-less) benefits – finds its way to the top of Mercer’s ranking?
The index evaluates retirement systems with three criteria:
Adequacy asks, straightforwardly enough, whether the system provides benefits that are adequate both to poor retirees and, as a percentage of pre-retirement income, middle-class workers as well. In terms of private-sector pensions, in addition to the benefit level itself, the study asks whether favorable tax treatment provides incentives to save, whether laws prohibit early withdrawals of retirement accounts, whether benefits vest and are portable upon leaving an employer, whether their are mandates or tax incentives for annuitizing retirement accounts, whether divorced spouses receive protection, and whether there are provisions to continue to accrue retirement benefits while temporarily out of the workforce such as when receiving disability benefits. This criteria also looks at the general household savings rate and the degree to which investments in retirement accounts are held in “growth assets.”
The sustainability metric looks at a number of factors: demographics (the old age dependency ratio and labor force participation rates for older workers), government policy that responds to aging populations such as increases in retirement age and phased retirement, the level of advance funding in public and private pensions, and the level of government debt. It evaluates (funded) private pension plan participation, which contributes to sustainability, as well as the extent to which public pension contributions are invested rather than directly paid out to pensioners.
And the integrity sub-index measures a number of factors related to ensuring “that the community has confidence in the ability of private sector pension providers to deliver retirement benefits over many years into the future” (report p. 16). These include “the role of regulation and governance, the protection provided to plan members from a range of risks and the level of communication provided to individuals,” and asks specifically about private-sector plan funding requirements. The value also incorporates broader metrics of governance through the World Bank’s Worldwide Governance Indicators, and evaluates the administrative and other costs of the systems, to evaluate whether plan participants are getting their money’s worth.
In addition to external data sources, Mercer compiled further data by using their international network of consultants, and the report further observes that they did not try to incorporate other factors impacting the well-being of retirees, financial or otherwise (e.g., cost and provision of healthcare or long-term care).
In the adequacy category, the US score of 58.8 is slightly below the average of 60.6, and places is it at a ranking of 24 out of 37. Its sustainability subscore of 62.9 (vs. an average of 50.4) places it 7th, and its integrity subscore of 60.4 (average 69.7) ranks 29th.
What accounts for these scores?
In the adequacy category, it ranks 21st in its provision of benefits for low-income workers (median would be 19th), 15th in its provision of benefits for a range of middle-income workers, and 18th in its overall savings rate (remember, this is out of 37, so the median score is 19), but last in a measusure based on annuization requirements/incentives. Denmark, in contrast, ranks 1st in overall replacement rate and 2nd in benefit provision for low earners, but dead last in the savings rate metric, which brings it to a rank of 5th overall. The Netherlands is also among a cluster of high-scoring systems with respect to overall benefit provision and does well on the index’s supplementary metrics, for an overall ranking of 3rd.
In the sustainability category, the US ranks 11th in terms of the proportion of workers participating in private sector pension plans, but does well in measures of actual pension assets and demographic sustainability. The Netherlands and Denmark tie for first in these first two measures, and are middle-of-the-pack on the third, for ranks of second and first, respectively, when combined with other components of this sub-index. At the same time, Denmark and the Netherlands tie for first (along with 4 others in the category of level of mandatory contributions (public/Social Security and mandatory employer/employee private-sector contributions); the U.S. is 22nd. The report deems a high spending level good and assumes that participants are getting their money’s worth from it.
And in the integrity subindex, Denmark and the Netherlands (and 26 other countries) have tighter regulations of employer-sponsored plans in a variety of ways: stricter funding requirements for defined benefit plans, greater regulatory oversight of plan reporting, restrictions on assets, independence of pension fund trustees, access to a complaints tribunal, and the like. The index also gives points to systems in which large pension funds hold a relatively larger share of assets, because these have economies of scale.
So the bottom line is this: I’m a big fan of pension systems like those of the Netherlands and Denmark, so it’s always nice to see them do well in the rankings. But this report is equally useful in gaining an understanding of what a leading expert in the study of retirement systems has to say about the question, “what makes for a top retirement system?” and the answer is far more complex than either a generous Social Security system or an equally generous mandatory employer-provided pension system.
December 2024 Author’s note: the terms of my affiliation with Forbes enable me to republish materials on other sites, so I am updating my personal website by duplicating a selected portion of my Forbes writing here.