Originally published at Forbes.com on September 19, 2019.
Since I’m on my soapbox again about Social Security reform, here are some questions and answers on my preferred approach, a Basic Retirement Income.
How’s it paid for?
To start with, the key point is how it’s not paid: a move to a new Social Security system would enable ourselves to eliminate the FICA tax.
After all, there’s general agreement that the FICA tax is regressive, hitting low-wage earners at a greater rate than wealthy folks who have exceeded the year’s ceiling. For this reason, a “payroll tax holiday” is a popular recession-fighting move (proposed by the Trump administration to ward of a feared recession now, and implemented in 2011 – 2012), but because of the need to keep money flowing into the Social Security Trust Fund, Congress redirects an equivalent amount of funds from general revenues (that is, borrowed funds) into the Trust Fund.
Eliminating the FICA tax, and funding a Basic Retirement Income with general federal revenues (for instance, a tax hike on all income) would remedy this issue.
And, in fact, of the three systems I profiled earlier this week, the Netherlands has a payroll tax similar to ours, except with a much lower ceiling, Ireland has payroll tax which exempts low-income workers, and Australia has no specifically-dedicated tax for their Age Pension at all.
Now, what the proper marginal tax structure should be, I won’t opine on, except to express a general preference for a system in which everyone pays something and wealthier folk pay relatively more, but we take care not to let “fair share” rhetoric evolve into imagining that the wealthy can pay for everything.
Is this an undeserved benefit for those who cheat the system and don’t pay their taxes?
Well, sure. And I’m all for stepping up enforcement on nannies, day laborers, and everyone else who works under the table in the shadow economy, which was estimated by one course at $2 trillion. But the benefits gained from restructuring the system are meaningful enough to accept this. And is the prospect of future Social Security benefits really motivating people to report their taxes, who otherwise wouldn’t? There are so many other advantages for dishonest workers and employers, in terms of unpaid income taxes, boosted eligibility for means-tested benefits, ability for employers to skip workers’ compensation and pay a subminimum wage, and for a segment of the workforce, ability to work without legalization to do so – all of which still exist and still warrant greater enforcement of the law than we’re doing at present regardless of whether or not Social Security/state-provided retirement benefits are tied to reported and taxed income.
What about the benefits I already have owed to me?
A move to a flat benefit would inevitably have a very long transition period. However true it may be that one has no legal right to Social Security benefits, we’d fail at the overall objective of a system in which Americans have reasonable living standards in retirement, if we leave middle-class folk counting on a higher benefit, high and dry. There are 35 years in the averaging period for Social Security earnings; this suggests that we’d transition to the new system over 35 years, during which time workers would get prorated benefits from each system.
Why not just boost minimum benefits and keep the system as-is otherwise? Or better yet, boost benefits for everyone?
Here is the key:
We know that a pay-as-you-go system generous enough to provide middle-class levels of income is not sustainable. Worldwide, countries which had provided such generous systems are reforming them because of the burden it places on their budgets. In Canada, which as an exception to the rule, has actually increased benefits just recently, they are funding the increases through a real investment fund, setting contributions in an actuarially-correct manner, and phasing the increase in to ensure that it is fully funded through this investment fund – all of which are much more difficult conditions for the American system to follow, not just because we’re accustomed to “free lunch” promises but because Canada is so much smaller than the U.S., and the Canada Pension Plan investment fund invests in American companies such as Petco, Univision, and Neiman Marcus.
At the same time, Democrats have proposed a number of variants on supplemental savings programs, either mandatory (with employer or employee contribution mandates and with or without opt-out options) or voluntary, such as OregonSaves, or the Theresa Ghilarducci/Tony James Rescuing Retirement plan.
As you might imagine, Republicans oppose these sorts of government mandates, but many of them likewise support some variant of a privatized Social Security, though it’s never fully fleshed out.
But rather than making progress on reform, we are still endlessly wringing our hands about the coming Trust Fund insolvency.
How do we get from here to there? Not by more partisan debates. Not by one side or the other finding their way to an unassailable supermajority. But by incorporating a new mandatory savings program into the overall understanding of “What Social Security Is” as a second layer in a hybrid system, so that the savings mandate is just as acceptable for a new generation as paying FICA taxes are now.
And, yes, that second layer could not be a simple 401(k) account. We need new visions for ways to incorporate forms of risk-sharing and investment-return smoothing, so as to not provide a rock-solid guarantee, which, if we’re honest, simply isn’t realistic, but instead a system that balances all concerns.
Which is, incidentally, a significant part of the reason why I’m watching for updates in the PBGC multi-employer plan insolvency threat; aside from the financial losses participants will experience, and which will be all the worse if remedies aren’t found, multi-employer plans are the closest sort of arrangement we currently have to what should one day, with a lot of work put into reforming the structure of the plans, be a mainstream retirement plan for all Americans.
December 2024 Author’s note: the terms of my affiliation with Forbes enable me to republish materials on other sites, so I am updating my personal website by duplicating a selected portion of my Forbes writing here.
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