Originally published at Forbes.com on June 4, 2019.
Illinois readers will already be aware of the flurry of activity due to a May 31 deadline for the regular legislative session in Illinois: legalizing pot, passing a budget, and funding a massive infrastructure construction plan with tax boosts and a near-doubling of gambling positions in the state, along with some 300 other bills that sailed under the radar in the last days of the session. And — sadly, but not surprisingly — the details of these bills were largely hammered out in backroom deals, without any transparency. It’s a discouraging story, and readers elsewhere can choose whether to take this as a cautionary tale or revel in schadenfreude.
Hidden in the details of the newly-approved budget is something that had been on the teachers’ unions wishlist ever since, well, pretty much exactly a year ago, when, in the prior legislative session, the 2019 budget contained a cost-saving measure prohibiting pension spiking. Specifically, to cite, yes, my own article at the time:
Illinois has long had issues with pension spiking — with local school boards raising pay for their teachers in the years just prior to their retirement to significantly boost their pension benefits at comparatively little cost to the local school board. This was partially reined in with a reform law in 2005, but not completely: back in 2015, the Chicago Tribune reported that the penalties local school districts were supposed to be paying whenever they continued to engage in the practice, were regularly being waived, and in 2017, the Northwest Herald reported that districts were taking maximum advantage of the remaining degree of spiking permitted.
The 2005 reform bill did not prohibit excessive pay increases but required that local school districts pay for the increase in pension liability due to pay hikes greater than 6% per year in the pre-retirement averaging period, and the 2018 budget increased the local school district’s cost responsibility to include the pension liability effect of pay hikes of more than 3%. This was projected to save $22 million per year.
The Illinois Education Association (that is, the state teachers’ union) had a campaign, “Repeal the 3%,” and there was separate State House and State Senate legislation pending to remove this provision and restore the ability to spike pay up to 6%. And their complaints were not unreasonable, that the move from 6% to 3% meant that not only were spiking-related pay hikes being prevented, but that routine increases for cost-of-living plus any additional duties undertaken or new certifications obtained, would be impacted, and that school districts would refuse increases rather than pay for the long-term impact on pensions. And they got their wish in a provision tucked into the budget, with a restoration of the ability to pension-spike up to a level of 6%.
Now, you’d think there’d be a reasonable middle-ground here, allowing for districts to increase pay, but simply excluding those excess pay increases from being included in the pension calculation. But such is the straightjacket that Illinois is in, due to its constitutional prohibition of any changes to future pension accruals of existing employees, that this simply isn’t possible. The plan provisions specify a fixed definition of pay, and that definition must be retained.
And, yes, even though the legislature placed onto the 2020 ballot an amendment permitting a graduated income tax, in order to hike taxes on (what’s currently promised to be only) the upper middle class and wealthy taxpayers, pleas to put a reform amendment up for a vote alongside the graduated income tax amendment are continually falling on deaf ears.
Now, in the grand scheme of things, a $22 million annual savings is a drop in the bucket compared to the $134 billion in unfunded pension liabilities (measured at a generous expected-investment-return basis rather than bond rates) owed by the state of Illinois, and the failure of this attempted reform, both in terms of the degree to which it was well thought-out in the first place, and the speed with which it was repealed, simply points to the intractability of Illinois’ pension problem as long as all state and local pensions (yes, Chicago’s too!) are locked into a guarantee of future accruals, and guarantees of future COLAs, with no room for sensible changes.
And, of course, Illinois isn’t the worst in the nation: Kentucky and New Jersey have worse funded ratios and New Jersey has a higher per-resident debt, according to Bloomberg’s 2018 calculations. Connecticut is nearly as troubled as well, and, heck, there are plenty of other poorly funded state plans (not to mention the local plans!), but Illinois stands alone among these in being so constrained in its ability to remedy the situation due to its constitution.
December 2024 Author’s note: the terms of my affiliation with Forbes enable me to republish materials on other sites, so I am updating my personal website by duplicating a selected portion of my Forbes writing here.
Illinois continues to be the mist corrupt state in the country.
The only state where you put $400,000 into the TRF only to get to $4,000,000 in pensions payouts over a 30 year retirement. 3% COLA while inflation is 1% the past 25 years. Illinois is the scam state