Originally published at Forbes.com on August 21, 2018.


Here’s an article by a Forbes staff writer earlier today: “Employers Say 64 Is Too Old To Get A Job.” This headline is based on the replies employers gave in a survey conducted by the Transamerica Center for Retirement Studies, “Striking Similarities and Disconcerting Disconnects:  Employers, Workers and Retirement Security” in response to two key questions in the survey, asking employers and employees both when a person is too old to work, and asking employers when a person is too old to hire.  (The article, and the survey, also cover topics around 401(k) provision for employees and worth reading with respect to these other topics as well.)

Regarding the former, of those who answered, the median age that workers gave was 75, but the median age that employees gave was only 70. And regarding the latter question, of those who gave a response, the median age was 64 – bad news for unemployed workers who aren’t financially or otherwise ready to retire.

But there’s some possible good news:  regarding who’s too old to work, 65% of employers answered, “it depends on the person” and 12% answered “not sure” – so that fewer than 1/4 of employers had a fixed idea of when a person is too old.  With respect to “too old to hire,” 64% gave the “it depends” answer, and 12% the “not sure,” so, again, the large majority of employers are, at least for the purposes of a survey, unwilling to state that they’ll rule out employees based on their age.

(Employees, on the other hand, were less likely to say “it depends” – 54%, or “not sure” – 4%, presumably because they were thinking more concretely of their own future situations.)

Employers also recognize that their employees are likely to want to work past a traditional retirement age, with 70% of them responding that they somewhat or strongly agreed that “many employees at my company expect to work past age 65 or do not plan to retire.”  They also, at a rate of 82%, claimed that their companies are supportive of late retirement, and 70% of employers reported that they consider their company to be “aging friendly.”

At the same time, employees envision being able to gradually phase into retirement:  30% want an opportunity to work reduced work hours as they approach retirement age, and 17% want to transition by means of a role change to one that is less demanding or more personally satisfying, both of which come under the header of “phased retirement.”  However, over half of all employers (54%) say that they neither now have nor plan to institute in the future any sort of formal “phased retirement” program.  While this, in principle, leaves open the possibility of informal arrangements, only 31% of employers said they enable employees to reduce work hours and shift from full-time into part-time, and only 21% of employers said they would allow employees to change to less stressful or demanding roles.

And, further, employers do recognize the value of older employers.  Despite stereotypes of older workers as hopelessly behind-the-times, only 15% of employer-respondents criticized age 50+ workers as being “less open to learning and new ideas” and an even smaller percentage, 9%, said they had “outdated skill sets,” compared to 59% valuing them as “bring[ing] more knowledge, wisdom, and life experience” and 49% considering them “a valuable resource for training and mentoring.”

So which is it?  Are employers ruthlessly discriminatory when it comes to older workers?  Is the age discrimination alleged at IBM and in Silicon Valley more generally, widespread, leaving older workers trapped in “bad jobs,” as Teresa Ghilarducci reports, or are employers open-minded, particularly during a tight job market?  From what I see, the picture is much more complex, and whether the report is bad news or good depends on one’s perspective.  The retirement age is increasing, and has exceeded age 65 for college graduates (65.7, to be precise), three years greater than for high school-educated workers.  Their unemployment rate, in absolute terms, is below average, though remember that the unemployment rate excludes those who have left the labor force, and it’s difficult, once one hits Social Security and Medicare eligibility age, to differentiate between folks who have retired do to lack of satisfactory employment vs. purely due to personal choice.

To a large degree, we will all simply have to wait and see how it plays out, and try to put policies which will enable older workers to stay productively employed longer.  Some of this is a matter of ongoing efforts at understanding how best to stave off physical and cognitive decline.  But at the same time, consider that, for workers over 65 at companies with over 20 employers, it’s the employer that’s still the primary payer for healthcare benefits, even after that worker becomes eligible for Medicare, and even when that worker, if retired, would collect full Medicare benefits.  Given that these healthcare benefits can become an increasing burden on employers, a change that would lighten this burden, and encourage employers to keep them employed, would benefit not just the workers but the rest of us, too.

But employers could also benefit from thinking proactively about how to help their employees be as productive as possible, whether it’s through flexibility for personal issues, or provision of training opportunities, or rethinking job roles to best use their workers’ skills.


December 2024 Author’s note: the terms of my affiliation with Forbes enable me to republish materials on other sites, so I am updating my personal website by duplicating a selected portion of my Forbes writing here.

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