Originally published at Forbes.com on March 20, 2018.
Illinois voters may remember Squeezy the Pension Python, the main character in a video meant to gain public support for pension reform legislation in 2012.
The bill passed in 2013. As described by CNN at the time,
The plan will reduce annual cost-of-living increases for retirees, raise the retirement age for workers 45 and under, and impose a limit on pensions for the highest-paid workers.
Employees will contribute 1% less out of their paychecks under the reform, while some will be given the option to contribute to a 401(k)-style plan.
Legislative leaders of both parties crafted the deal, which they say will save $160 billion over the next three decades — savings desperately needed to help fill the state’s $100 billion pension shortfall.
Alas, it was found unconstitutional in 2015, and no action has been taken by the legislature with respect to public pensions in the meantime. Illinois’ funded ratio now stands at 40%, a slight improvement over its 2016 funded ratio of 39%, which placed it fourth most underfunded in the nation. In dollars, its pension underfunding stands at $130 billion.
And today Illinois will be choosing its nominees for governor, among them a man who was among those spearheading that 2013 pension law, Democratic State Senator Daniel Biss. In any ordinary set of circumstances, “I tried to reform the Illinois pension system” would be a resume-booster. Instead, he’s apologizing for it. According to the suburban Chicago Daily Herald,
“The state’s got awful budget problems, and state pension debt is an awful part of it,” said Biss, a co-sponsor of the 2013 legislation. “I do think there was kind of an obsessive hysteria about it a few years ago that led a lot of people in the legislature, myself included, to act irresponsibly. That bill was unconstitutional.”
His opponent, billionaire front-runner J.B. Pritzker, has been running ads attacking Biss for his vote. The Chicago Tribune provides the text:
“Dan Biss says he’s a proven progressive,” a narrator says. “Ok. Let’s check his record. Biss wrote the law that slashed pension benefits owed to teachers, nurses and state workers. The court ruled it unconstitutional. Dan Biss. Take a look for yourself.”
The ad then directs voters to the Pritzker-created website danbiss.net, where one is told,
In 2013, Biss helped write the bill that unconstitutionally stripped hundreds of thousands of teachers, nurses, and state workers of benefits promised to them. Biss admitted on the Senate floor that his pension cut efforts were unfair and broke a promise to workers. He led the charge for them anyway.
Solving the pension funding issues in Illinois will not be an easy task, after so many years of underfunded and overpromised benefits, of pension spiking and other boosts, and missed contributions to direct state funds elsewhere. But using an honest attempt to solve the problem as a basis for attacks will surely set the state back even further, by constraining legislators even further in terms of the range of options they’re willing to consider if they wish to preserve their future political careers.
To be sure, there’s a lot more going on in today’s primary than simply Biss’s support for pension reform. Polls suggest that it would be quite an upset for Pritzker to lose the Democratic nomination, and, either way, there will be no way of saying that it’s because of or despite this issue, or whether it really mattered to voters at all. But it’s one more indicator that Illinois has a long way to go on the path towards financial health and good governance, if indeed it chooses to take that path.
December 2024 Author’s note: the terms of my affiliation with Forbes enable me to republish materials on other sites, so I am updating my personal website by duplicating a selected portion of my Forbes writing here.
1) Where are you going to find jobs for all those over 62 who want to work? And do they displace younger workers trying to enter the workforce?
2) Where to find more detailed data on average retirement age (by gender, education, income level, etc.) Gallup says average retirement age has been 60 from about 2000-2010, now increasing. U.S. Census, I believe, gives average of 62-64 depending on State.
Most of the people I have known retired at 64 – 68. But most of the people I know are in my income bracket (average income or lower.)